Sunday, February 25, 2007

How a Love-Bug grows

Little Annalivia Adaline is 2 years old today!

Two years ago as I watched her emerge into this world, I had this vague and surreal notion that my life was about to be forever, blessedly changed. What I did not understand was just how amazing I would feel looking in her eyes, receiving her smiles, hearing her sweet little voice, even being subjected to her fits and fights. Or how wonderful I would feel just thinking about her.
I look at this little creature in front of me and I am reminded again that, for me, there has been no greater tangible evidence of God's grace and love than my babies. Throughout my life, I prayed for her without knowing it was little Annalivia for whom I was praying. She arrived and for the last two years, I have been so astonished that God would answer my prayer so completely as to gift us with her. What a privilege this is to be her mother!
Happy birthday, little love. Your momma loves you.
"I have just dropped into the very place I have been seeking, but in everything it exceeds all my dreams." Isabella Bird (but seconded heartily by me!)

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