Thursday, February 8, 2007

Sir Littler McStew makes his entrance

We wanted to post some pictures for family and friends who are unable to see this little guy in person. (And for those who get to see him in person, too!)

A few rare awake moments

Daniel Robert with Grandpa Robert

Annalivia checks him out from a safe distance

Daniel's very helpful big sister reacting to his crying with, "shhhh..."

As we took these last three photos, Annalivia talked to Daniel and told him about the bed and the blanket, his pacifier, stars, Momma and Dadda and a bunch of stuff we didn't understand. It was pretty sweet to hear.


more cows than people said...

and pretty sweet to see. oh my goodness- what a beautiful(!) family. thank you for sharing.

Unknown said...

These are gorgeous! What a beautiful family Father has blessed you with. To His glory - and your delight.

~Dawn C

Crystal Starr said...

WOW!!! What AMAZING pictures!!! Both of your kids are so beautiful you must be so proud!!! I'm so excited for you and your family to get to know this little baby that has been growing inside of you for so long! And I can't wait for more pictures as he grows!

Amalee Issa said...

What a brilliant idea! I wish I'd thought to take pictures of my two meeting each other like your two angels. Well done Dennis and April, a lovely record for these two sibs when they are older.

Amalee x

Crystal Starr said...

Oh did I mention I have a Frank ROBERT named after two Grandpa Roberts, and a Scott Robert (my dh)! Good name!

K Lauderback said...

April, he is so beautiful. You guys are so blessed. Annalivia is going to be such a good big sister! The pictures are wonderful. Love Ya. Kelly (Kinder)Lauderback

Unknown said...

Oh now this is precious.